Chapter 1

“Your father will never be proud of you.” The voice inside my head yells at me as I keep looking at the test paper, with the hope that if I continue looking at it, I might change the numbers. It doesn't change, instead it gets worse, the black shadow, no fog formed in front of my eyes and my vision blurred. Soon, Black ink engraved the white sheet showing the second position cleared the dark fog. I secured fucking second position. I hate it—I lost again and Varya Morozov isn't fond of losing.

Get it done, Varya.

Be a good girl, Varya.

Shut the door and study hard, Varya.

Don't wear this, Varya.

Don't go out with friends, Varya.

You are smiling too often, Varya.

Varya this, Varya that….

I grew up with these voices, it doesn't belong to me but it's stuck somewhere in my head from past years. I am chained inside me and even though my ass isn't really fond of studying—I am forced to study because studying is the only escape from all of these tantrums.

I am not a nerd, I love wearing short revealing dresses that make me feel confident and give the main character vibes. I love to sing, and dance even though I really don't know a lot about dancing, I do dance . At least I am enjoying my life but I also study hard, again what's the point when someone always puts me back like I don't deserve to be first.

Second position.

Second fucking postion.

“Holy fucking shit, Vedang did it again. He secured the first position. What is he even made up of?” Someone from behind says—no yells making sure that her voice reaches my eardrums. I don't bother turning to look at the owner of the annoying wannabe voice but congratulations you succeeded in your plan.

Vedang Chauhan, you are so fucking dead for doing this again. The girl from behind knows that her voice reached my ears but what she doesn't know is that I am this close to punching her face and ruining her makeup.

“Motherfucker. I am gonna snap his head and fucking bury him alive.” I whisper yelled, crumbling the test paper which shows second position. I study my ass off to get the first position in the batch but this nerd, the motherfucker has never left a single chance to pull me down from the past four months. Since when did I get this habit of repeating myself?

Ever since Vedang has made you repeat your grade.

The voice from my head replies to me. Four months of absolute hell. And if this motherfucker is going to stay with me until the final year, I am probably not gonna be here but somewhere in the prison. Why? Because I murdered someone and that someone is Vedang Chauhan.

I do my best, I study more, and sacrifice my sleep during exams which ends up adding a little extra weight in my body. I survive on absolute black coffee so I could achieve the first position but this rascal. What does he do to drag me down?

“Omg omg, should I be happy with my marks?” Ivy screamed, wiping her fake tears and making me roll my eyes. “I secured twenty second position. It's getting better.” Ivy Stone is one of my batchmates. Daughter of a billionaire like me but she isn't really interested in her marks. She turns towards me and speaks. “Do you think I can hold the first position in the upcoming exam?”

My ass would. I want to say this but okay let's not do that.

"Yes girl, back to earth.”

“Go away, ivy.”

“Are you even alive after today’s result?” She snapped her finger and I moved my gaze from the board to her. Her hair is cut into a butterfly cut, her cheekbones are high and her skin is pale. Now when I am looking at her closely, I can see the plastic all over her face. “Come on, tell me.” She says, which I assume is to taunt me but I ignored her whole existence.

No one ever dared to taunt me for my grades until this Vedang decided to study. He snatched my position like he fucking lend it to me and now he is reminding me that it belongs to him. A girl like me would never really pay attention to a nerd, why would I do so? I have more handsome, good looking guys around. I have my boyfriend.

Not everyone has a bad life, bitch but then my grades fell and my weight rose.

“What if he is secretly having sex with the professor?” I speak to myself, trying to make things better for me by connecting the dots that seem useless right now. I mean there was a rumour like this on the internet a few years ago about a topper. “What? Who is having sex?” Ivy asked and I shook my head.

“You and your foul mouth, Varya.” I turned my head to look at Hannah, as she walked towards me with her bodyguard right behind her. “Varya and her foul mouth are having–”

“Shut up, ivy. Don't mess with me right now.”she laughed a little but her laughter came to halt the moment i glared at her. It took me a few seconds to realise that I made a ball of the paper before tossing it in my backpack. “Sorry, I guess I should go.” I really wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone so I didn't stop her. Hannah did not follow Ivy's way. “Is it possible?” I murmured to myself.

“Your foul mouth, Varya.”

“I have a sweet mouth, your highness.” She chuckled then took a step forward. Her perfect baby pink dress flaunts and her hair slays on her back as she speaks.

“I mean, there can be a chance Ms.- Whatever her name is sleeping with him but then again that nerd is not even good looking.”

“Stop talking like Emma, Varya. You are not even looking cool. You have always been known for your sweetness.” I turned my face looking at her as I brought my index finger closer to my jaw. “Right Hannah, but too sweet can cause diabetes.” She chuckled, grabbing a chair and sitting in front of me.

“You look mad, do better next time.”

“Right, but what if that nerd with glasses is giving money to the Professor in exchange for questions? But she already has money and Vedang is a millionaire not a billionaire.”  not a billionaire like me and not a multi billionaire like Hannah.

“But you said he is good at studies, you saw him answering to professors.” I nod slowly. “I did. After all, all he does is to get glued to his books like a worm.”  I grinned my teeth, thinking about my ridiculous results and freaking out.

“Sounds better.” Hannah Windsor, is a real life princess. The future queen and here she is studying for her life but even she isn't much interested which is why she doesn't care about her marks like me but what I do, my life depends on it. This fucking sheet.

Hannah is a tall girl with straight black hair looked at me. She belongs to a royal family but she is a sweet girl with no ego and completely different from me. I am not jealous of her but she has a body which is a dream body of many girls. The perfect hourglass body, sharp jaws, pink lips, eyelashes. I am labelled as the perfect girl in the Uni but according to me Hannah is the perfect girl and the fun fact is she doesn't even try to be one, unlike me.

A lot of people might think I am jealous of her, actually no. I can't get jealous of Hannah. She is the best—At least she doesn't leave me behind so I love her the most.

“How much?” I asked her as she flipped her black silky hairs and smirked. “I passed.” I rolled my eyes then grabbed my bag back when a voice interrupted me. “If you need help in bullying, do contact me Varya, you know I would love to do so.” Even though Emma is my friend, I do not like how she bullies people. It's so rude but that's how people survive at this uni.

I might sound crazy but everyone has been a part of being bullied especially the kids of millionaires. The nepotism product of billionaire and multi billionaires rules this University, the dominant one is multi billionaires. You might find a lot of kids belonging to millionaire and billionaire families but there are only three kids who are multi billionaires.

Hannah is one of them. The other two I guess are from the senior classes. “Sure,” I lied, why would I enjoy bullying? She blew a kiss and I did the same. I stormed outside, Hannah followed me and right behind is her bodyguard who is generally too handsome.

Every person has a dream to be a part of London Central University, a place where rich millionaires, billionaires and multi billionaires kids set foot. The admission process doesn't work with tests but with the donation and a place where bullying runs in every corridor of the University. The authority doesn't know about it or maybe they do but since they are feeding on money so they really don't take actions against the bully.

London Central University is a castle built two centuries ago. The university occupies a huge land area with different other things. A plus point about the huge land area of LCU gives access to every branch of students. Vintage? Absolutely. Dad gave me an option to get a flat and stay but it was my decision to stay at the dorm. Why? Because I wanted to stay away from being lonely.

According to my father this place is where I belong. Rich kids, some spoiled ones. I am also one of them but at least I don't do drugs or smoke. I do drink occasionally. I like to drink, no smoke, no drugs. “Do you want a ride?” Hannah offered and I denied “Don't wait for me, I need to find Ming.”

My phone buzzed in my hand and Ming’s name flashed. Speak of the devil.


Going to change and then we'll (my friends) go to Starbucks to celebrate our medal.


I am coming there to congratulate you.


No need, I am busy. I will meet you once I am done with these boys.


Done! *thumbs up* if you need anything do let me know.


Aw..Thanks babe. *red rose*

Ming Torre, a 6’2”, my boyfriend is a swimmer. Recently he had a match with another uni and guess what our university won the medal as it has been doing. He is one of the popular boys in the campus, not only girls from our batch but also the seniors try to hit on him.

I turned the screen of the phone black as I lifted my face to look at Hannah who was ranting on her bodyguard. “Why do you have to stick by my side? Stop treating me like a kid, Mr. Jones.” She yelled. Her bodyguard who is wearing a perfect black suit, with a microphone piece attached to his ear and hands at the back, lowered his head so he could look at the princess.

“It's Mr. Davies, Miss.” Hannah let go a long sigh.

“Right, Mr. Davies—I will remember that but can't you like– maintain a distance from me?” By maintaining distance, Hannah meant Davies to stand away from her, maybe hide somewhere and let her live the way she wants to.

Her bodyguard is somewhere in his early forties, he is 6’3” and has a good masculine body. Plus point: He can be my type but that's a huge age gap. Shut your brain, Varya. Nasty girl.

“Only if you are done fighting, shall we?” I asked and she looked at me. Her lips parted before it turned into a thin line. “Wanna go on a girlie date?” She asks.

When I stayed quiet for a moment too long she narrowed her eyes, folding her arms across her chest as she spoke. “Don’t tell me you are on a diet.”

“But I can have diet coke today. I am already upset so yeah.”

Born to go out with Hannah, forced to accidentally watch Vedang sitting in the Library. His eyes are stuck to the fat books, a few books are open as he writes something in the notebook. “No way you are planning to bully him.” Hannah said, literally dragging me along with her.

“Why would I do so? I just realised that maybe I need a few books, too.” I grabbed her hand that's intertwined in my elbow and dragged her along with me inside the Library.

The library of our university has never been an interesting place. It's basically a get together and ‘let's have a fun place’ for all the nerds. Yes, here fun represents Studying until your butt hurts because you aren't getting up from the chair, until your eyes burn because omg! You are so much into books. But today, there aren't a lot of students.

Vedang stood up from his chair, his eyes focused on the book before he closed the book and lifted his gaze walk-in towards the book shelf while fixing his glasses. He is wearing baggy blue jeans, a baggy full t-shirt that covers his sleeves well. His hair is lying on his forehead and his glasses covering his eyes.

If you ask me he isn't really bad looking, he is cute—what the fuck? He is my rival, I am fighting tooth and nail from him. Why the heck am I complimenting him? “Give me a moment.” I turned my gaze to my friend only to find the missing spot. Where did she go?

Forget it, I will find her later but for now let's have a conversation with him. I took hurried steps towards the bookshelf we went through. My white long boots clicked every time I walked, catching the attention of bookworms around me. Female Bookworms would gulp looking at me and would dive back into their books but the male bookworms are interesting. Some would do the same things female Bookworm would do but some would scan my body within seconds.

Like just now, I saw a boy with round glasses looking at my white tennis skirt which I paired up with a full length white shirt and a knitted top. I smiled at him, before lifting my hand and bringing it closer to my lips to flash him with a middle finger.

I turned to look at Vedang who was busy holding a book. Taking a few steps, I lifted my hand to grab the same book he was setting his eyes on. “Oops–better luck next time.” I said, pulling out the book as he stood there.

Vedang isn't like any other nerds, at least he has words, actually more than words.

Flipping through the pages, I waited for his response but got none so I turned a little looking at him over my shoulder only to notice his back facing me. He is checking out the books. He is ignoring me like I don't exist. A low chuckle left my mouth as I kept the book on the shelf and turned towards him.

Snatching the book away from him I say. “Aww..I needed this one too.” He didn't say a word and continued to grab another book when I grabbed the book. My fingers slightly brushed on his. He immediately pulled his hand away and I stood there. A smile slowly appeared on my face and I spoke.

“Be careful, I might snatch things that belong to—me.” He flips through the pages, ignoring me but slowly lifts his face and looks at me. Vedang is 6’3” and even though I am 5’7” I look small in front of him, he doesn't even look at me in my eyes. Man is too scared.

I am standing in between the book shelf and Vedang, keeping my hands on my hips and ready to spill venom when Vedang took a step towards me making me step back, hitting the shelf. The sweet smell of cologne marked its territory in my lungs.

I lift my face to look at him but it's crazy to see his perfect sharp jaws. Dear god, this girl who is staring at her rival is not me. I declined to announce her as me. The moment I could push him, his hands grabbed a big fat book above my head that could have opened my skull.

“That was a close fucking call.” I say, looking over my head.

“What do you want?” His voice is low and while I am looking at him..he isn't looking at me, he is busy keeping the book on the shelf. He leans a little towards me and I shift my face a bit to another direction so I don't kiss his neck because of how close he is but realised that this isn't me so i kept my hands on his chest and pushed him away from me. 

“The First Position.” I replied taking a step forward as Vedang takes a step backward.

“Then earn it.”

“How by sucking professor’s dick like you lick her pussy?” A pair of hands curled around my shoulder as he pushed me back making me hit the shelf with a thug. A wave of pain hits my shoulder as I could feel his assaulting touch. The action was so fast that I barely got the time to process it.

“Shut up.” He yells and I could see veins popping on his forehead.

“Oh my my—so you do have a voice. Interesting.” I grabbed his hands on my shoulder, digging my well manicured pre-birthday theme nails but he didn't remove his grip on mine.

Next time, I will fucking be the topper.

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Fictional men are the cause of my Euphoria 🧣if you are facing any problems while accessing the chapter or you paid but you can't access the chapters. Kindly contact me on my email @talethatneverends