Ranvi: his undeniable amour (Chapter 07)

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Next Update: Thursday

Last 1/3rd of this chapter has Smuts.


I didn't run away from his mansion like those four muscular idiots must be thinking I did, and I won't be shocked to know that the news of me running—no going on a walk with my car reached to my dear fucking fiancé’s ears. I have stopped running from the problems because that's just an option, not the solution.

Even since I got to know about my so-called pregnancy, I have asked myself several questions. I didn't cry, I stayed there letting the anger stay inside me like the magma in the earth and once I see Aaran—who will most probably come anytime soon, I am going to throw my magma at him.

He did that. He thinks everything is easy. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Aaran is driving me nuts, and I am letting him do that because Aaran Russo has turned into a drug—that my soul craves for. I can't run away from him because the more I try to repale from him, I end up getting attracted to him—not physically but emotionally. He has labelled my heart as his and I can't do anything.

I am hurt. Very much hurt, but at the same time my heart doesn't allow me to run away from him. My brain keeps on saying that he must have had his reasons to lie to me and that I should trust him and I do trust him, but my heart is hurt.

I accelerated the car and since it's already late at night and this area is kind of abondened there aren't many vehicles running. Sometimes adrenaline is necessary to survive.

My phone rings, but it's not good to talk on the phone while driving. I still picked it up and Aaran roared from the other side.

Aaran bastard Russo: Stop the car, Ranvi. Just park it at the—

I didn't let him complete as I cut the call and continued accelerating, overtaking the vehicles ahead from me. Soon, the highway turns empty. The only vehicle that runs on the highway is my beautiful car.

Sliding the window down, I let the cold winds touch me as it felt good, but this feeling didn't stay for long as my eyes fell on a Bugatti following me. My monster is finally here to chase me, but he won't get his hands on me so soon.

A smirk appeared on my face as I looked at the rearview mirror again before turning my attention at the front. He can't catch me. Aaran lied to me, and he will hear all my screams today. The show of Tom and Jerry finally begins. To my surprise, it's Aaran who is driving the car and not his men—so did my man walk out without his security?

The game of chasing continued for almost ten kilometers, all this time he was behind me as if he were letting me stay ahead of him—like he was letting me run so he could catch me, and at this point I felt offended.

The car suddenly pulls up and overtakes me, going ahead, and he pulls the handbrake, turning the steering wheel and making his car drift. I didn't stop accelerating my car, instead I increased the speed. Once the car comes to halt, Aaran walks outside, he is still wearing his coat from the morning, and stands right in front of the car.

Our eyes met and this time I didn't expect him to have fear in his eyes and this man stood up to my expectations. He stayed still, his face had no expression, his lips pulled into a thin line, and he didn't even bother to blink his eyes nor his body shifts a bit.

The distance between Aaran and me was getting shorter, and before I could run my car on me, I put on the brake stopping my car right in front of him.

I pushed the door and got out of the car before walking towards him. “What if I hadn't pulled the brakes?” I asked, or more like yelled.

“Then, I would have died.” He speaks these words so casually as if we are talking about a toy and not a human, a chuckle left my mouth. “You are crazy.”

“If you say so then I must be one.”

“I could have killed you in a fraction of seconds.”

“But you didn't do that.” This time I rolled my eyes.

“I could have.”

“You wouldn't..I trust you.” Aaran said he trusts me, but I know he is lying, which is why he lied to me earlier.

I took a few steps back before turning my feet and walking towards the car. Getting inside, I picked up the blue file from the back seat and stormed towards Aaran. A part of my brain says that Aaran will not confess the truth, he will keep on lying to me or will stay quiet like he does.

“Ranvi—you must have heard my conversation earlier today—” I cut him off midway, slamming the file on the hood of my car. “— I am not pregnant, Aaran. I got it checked right after I heard you talk to Ethan.” Aaran let go a sigh before his eyes slid to the blue file on the hood and then towards me.

After Aaran sent me off in my car with Killian, I asked him to get me to the hospital, and then I met Gyno and got the check-up, if I wouldn't have done this—I would have stressed myself until my periods would arrive.

“I know you aren't pregnant. It was all a lie.” I chuckled at his words then took a step forward only to grab his coat. “You think it's funny?” I say, grinding my teeth. My jaw hurts from how hard I am clenching it.

Aaran lifts his hand and slowly brings it closer to my fist grabbing the fabric of his coat and curling his hand around mine. “I had to do this because if I wouldn't, the chief would have thrown you out.”

“Did you ask me before doing this? You know, before plotting this lie?” Even though I am yelling at him, Aaran is still calm. Fuck his calmness.

“And you would have agreed? No, Ranvi you wouldn't.” Yes, I wouldn't. I would never agree to this lie in my life. How can he know me so well?

When I didn't say anything, he spoke again. “There. I got my answer and as I told you earlier, you are my fucking property—if it comes to you, I can lie thousands of time, kill millions of people and die billions of time without any second thoughts.” My lips part and I don't know why but my heart flutters that it makes me sick. His words aren't meant to make my heart flutter, I mean nothing to him except his mare obsession but sometimes Aaran sounds much like a lover.

A lover who can cross any limits for me, and the thing is his eyes are sincere. A tear slipped to my eyes. “I thought you replaced my pills–” My words come out as a whisper and my hold on his coat gets loosened.

“I would never do such ridiculous things because If I do this—I will lose you. Trust me, this lie was just for your safety.” For some reason, this is the first time I could genuinely feel the depth of his words. Aaran is not lying right now, he is being honest—he said that I can trust him. He will never change my pill to get me pregnant because he doesn't want to lose me.

When I realize I am on the urge to lose, I speak again. “Doesn't change the fact that you lied.” And I thought you replaced the pill, but you didn't Aaran—fuck these were all for my safety and I have been cursing you for nothing. I got my hands off his collar and took a step back.

“I challenge you, Aaran—for a race, if I won
 I will leave your mansion and shift back to my apartment until and unless we don't get married–” A dark shadow passed by his eyes, his eyes narrowed and his attention still remained on me.

“You are still planning to run away from me?” He speaks, my ears didn't forget to notice the change in his tone and I realized that the beast has finally taken control of him. I have threatened him a lot of times that I will leave his mansion and go back exactly how he threatens to fuck me now that's another thing it turns me on but neither I have walked away from him nor he really fucked me because of how I always get on his nerves.

“Should we start?” I say and was ready to walk when a voice stopped me. “And what if I won?” Condescending how he lost last time, I am pretty sure I will win. “Anything you want.” I spoke casually.

“You—” He paused, making me raise my brow confused. “— I would like to have you for the whole night and for the whole life. You will do everything I will ask you to do.” My throat feels dry, and my heart is already on the racetrack having a race with I don't know whom. My cheeks must have turned into a shade of Red, but I turned my feet so he couldn't notice this.

I didn't blush. It's just that I am angry. Yes, I am angry.

“Are you putting me on this silly bet you're going to lose?” I spoke.

“Either way my everything is on the bet, so why not win my everything back.” What's wrong with him today? Why the heck is he throwing cute and hot lines out of nowhere to make me blush—no, I am angry, but I can't ignore how he sounds pretty much confident, but I know he won't win. I will win.

“Keep dreaming.” I murmured and walked towards my car. A smirk formed on my lips and I made up my mind to win. It doesn't matter either side I am going to win but this time I will give him a good play.


I turned my face towards the left to look at Aaran who was smirking. The engine of our cars roared, declaring for the war and I turned my face in front. “You can do it.” The race is simple, Aaran said his old mansion is situated after four kilometers and the one who reaches there will win.

I told him that I don't know what the mansion looks like, and he said that this is the only mansion in this area, and It can be seen easily.

Soon our cars began to have a private conversation with the wind and the road, and after ages I felt alive. I had different emotions running in my brain, I could feel adrenaline, excitement and these all feelings made me feel alive.

I switched the gear and accelerated the car, so now I was ahead of him. Not only that, but I’ll win. The road is straight and to be honest it feels as if we are racing on a track. My phone rings and I have already connected it with the car.

Me: What is it?

Aaran: Slow down the speed.

Me: So you can catch me?

Aaran: No, so I can fuck you.

My cheeks blushed but it was too late. A car already passed by my side with the speed of the bullet and I realized it was him.

Me: Aaran!

I yelled, accelerating the car.

Aaran: Do it again.

Me: Of course I will, I will—

He cuts me off with a chuckle before speaking.

Aaran: I will fucking win the race.

Me: If it helps you sleep—then good fucking night.

And with that, I passed by his car.

Aaran: Fiancée?

Me: What?

Aaran: We won't have a good fucking night, instead we will have a good ‘fucking’ night.

Me: I haven't forgiven you, yet.

Aaran: Which means you’ll forgive me in future?

Me: Not so easily.

Aaran: Oh!

Me: Fuck you.

Aaran: You want to?

I almost lost my control on the car, his voice never fails to put an effect on me.

Me: Bye loser.

I said and hung up focusing on the mansion that was about to come. I am going to win, but why do I feel low?

“Either way, my everything is on the bet, so why not win my everything back.”

His words from earlier come back especially how he called me his “everything” crazy—he is crazy. Soon, an old mansion came into view. It was just a few meters away from me and just when I thought I was going to win, a car passed by me at the speed of light—and stepped inside the abandoned property.

My car came to a halt as I looked at Aaran who stepped out of his hand. His eyes looked at the old building standing in front of him. “What is he—” My murmurs paused when Aaran tilted his head towards me, our eyes met and a smirk appeared on his face making me part my lips.

I stared at him blankly. Several butterflies took flight in my stomach when he uplifted his eyebrow before placing the phone near his ear. I flinched slightly when my phone rang, and I picked it up, that's connected to the car.

Aaran bastard Russo: Won the race, Ocean.

Me: Yes, I saw it too.

Aaran bastard Russo: You are mine—

I cut him off

Me: For tonight.

Aaran bastard Russo: Yes, but you forgot to mention the whole life. I won my prize, Tesoro.

Me: Correct, you won me, but now claim your prize.

I pulled the gear, taking an U-turn. A smirk forms on my lips.

Aaran bastard Russo: That's cheating—a bad girl move.

Me: I never said I am a good girl.

Aaran bastard Russo: Oh, fuck—

He groaned, then paused and holy shit, I felt butterflies again.

Aaran bastard Russo: Turns me on. Coming to claim what's mine.

With that, I ended the call and accelerated. Looking at the rearview mirror, I didn't actually find him behind me.


It's been a while since I slowed my speed but didn't find him chasing me, is he even coming behind me? “Fuck, I am not going to wait for him now. Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him. I am angry. Yes, I am angry.”

I slammed the door of the car after parking it in the parking lot of my apartment. Unbuttoning the first two buttons of my white shirt, I got rid of the coat and walked towards the elevator.

“Turns me on. Coming to claim what's mine.”

I pat my cheeks. “Come back.” I said to myself and got inside the elevator.

If it comes to you, I can lie thousands of times, kill millions of people and die billions of times without any second thoughts.”

“Did he—confessed his feelings?” I murmured to myself, looking at myself in the reflection. I look pretty messed up, the first two buttons of my shirt are undone, a bit of my cleavage is on view. My pants look a bit dirty and my feet are aching because of these heels.

The door opened with a ding and I stepped out, walking towards my apartment. I entered the password and turned the handle, The door opened with a ding and I stepped inside the house. “Woah, did the light break out?” The automatic lights aren't working.

I placed my handbag on the table of the shoe rack and put my heels inside it before stepping inside. “Welcome home, did you drive well?” A voice reached my ear and I whirled around to find a man—Aaran is sitting on the chair across the dining table. His gaze is fixed on his phone, which is the only source of light in the room, but his attention is on me. The coat from earlier lies on the dining table right beside the knife holder.

“How did you—”

“I am a hacker, Tesoro. It was an easy task, and how did I know you’ll be here?” He paused and lifted his face to meet mine. “— I just felt.” Okay, so when I thought he wasn't coming behind me, he was actually coming here from the other way?

“That was cheating. You weren't supposed to go the other way.”

“You never said that was the rule? Now, you see, I am kind of busy replying to a few mails.” I hummed and was ready to walk to my room when he spoke.

“I didn't ask you to leave. Plus, I won both times.” My cheeks heated up, but I was lucky that the light was gone. “Take off your belt, Ocean, and come here.”


“The belt you’re wearing. Take. It. Off.” His eyes slid back to his phone and my hands moved towards the belt to undo it. Once I was done getting rid of the belt, I took slow steps towards Aaran.


The yellow aesthetic light which I got from London covers the area, it isn't bright but dim and I could see how beautiful Aaran looks like. His hair falling on his forehead makes him look cute but at the same time, his sleeves rolled up to his elbow and his dark ink covering his arms makes him look hot.


“Aaran..” I whispered, earning his attention and keeping the belt on the table. “Remove your pants, Tesoro.” I gulped at his husky voice, excitement, and adrenaline rushed through my spine because I know we both are insane when it comes to one another.

I undo the button of my pants, letting it slide to my feet, leaving me in my panty. “Sit on the chair.” He says calmly, while looking at his phone typing something.

What is he planning to do? I pulled the chair right beside him and sat on it. Just when I was about to cross my legs, a warm hand landed on my thigh, squeezing it or more like warning me. “I didn't ask you to cross your legs. Did I?” He lifts his eyes to meet mine, while I part my lips to protest when his hand slides towards my inner thigh.

“I won the reward, ocean and I will—” After keeping his phone on the table, Aaran shifts a bit towards me, so our lips are almost touching each other and continuing. “— I will dive into you until I want to, and you will take me like my good fucking fiancĂ©e. Do you hear me?” His fingers stop right across my panties.

I gulped. “Y-yes.” Aaran’s thumb brushed across my skin slowly giving a familiar sensation down there before he rubbed his forefinger and thumb across my panties and a moan slipped my mouth. “You are already dripping. Was it the chase game? Hm?” He keeps on rubbing and grinding his fingers on my clothed pussy, making a dark spot on my panty. To be honest, I don't know what turned me on—was it the chasing game or his words about how he will claim me or maybe both.

Fuck. Don't tell me
no. A notification popped on his phone, diverting our attention and Aaran moved away from me, his fingers were still on my clothed pussy and how badly I wanted him inside me. Aaran stopped rubbing his fingers on my pussy.

He picked up the phone from the table, typing something from one of his hands while I shifted a bit then started grinding my hips, so I could feel his fingers. “That desperate?” He speaks and I paused on my actions. “Sorry.”

“Don't be—” He paused, lifting his face so he could look at me, then he rubbed his fingers harshly on my clothed pussy. The euphoric effect makes me curl my toes. “— Just order me for anything you want and beg me to fuck you the way I want.” A moan left my mouth when his palm replaced his fingers and my nails dug in my thighs.

“Fuck, Aaran.. Ahh.”

“Yes slut, beg me to rub my palm on you again.”


“Can't get you.”

i-it.Aaran removed his hand from me and the euphoric feeling was gone, but I could still feel his touch. “Do what?”

“Rub your..palm. F-fuck me.. Please.” His palm comes back, and he starts rubbing them, and I roll my eyes in pleasure. I do want him inside me as soon as possible, but I am going to trust him.

I don't know, but maybe I will cum just by the way he is rubbing his palm. Fuckfuckfuckfuck. “I got two important emails to reply to and—I have to reply to them.” He says removing his hand from me and I looked at him with ‘go fuck your emails’ eyes.

“Alright, I am going to sleep.” I said, a bit frustrated, and was about to stand when he grabbed the belt from the table. “I never said I'll let you go.” He said, looping the belt around his palm. “Do one thing, pull your panties aside.” My hands slide from my thighs to towards my panties, and I fist them in my hand before pulling them aside.

A smirk appeared on his face as his eyes looked at me. Aaran brings his finger closer to my throat before sliding his fingers down my neck. Is he going to tear my shirt? “You look so fine, Amore. You look mine.” Oh! fuck. His fingers kept on sliding until they reached my tits—my nipples reacted to his touch, which was not exactly a touch, and they stood erect begging him to take them in his mouth and ease the pain.

“They are begging me to suck them. I will come back to them after dealing with the emails, but for now, let me ease your pussy’s pain.” He moved his hand towards the table and a vibrator came into my vision, it's blue in color.

Next he circled the vibrator across my clit, making me curl my toes. “Hold the panties properly, slut.” My hands clenched the fabric of my panties in my hand so tightly that my knuckles went white. “Meanwhile I am doing my work, think of it as my—” he paused, putting the top of the vibrator near my hole “-cock. If you act good, I will reward you, but if you act bad—I will punish you.” He completed, thrusting the vibrator in one go that I could feel walls clench around the vibrator.

“F-fuck.” I moaned, tears streamed down my eyes and I closed my eyes, but I know it's going to be replaced soon with pleasure, I know, and I do have good experience with the vibrator, but this one is the one I least like which is why I hide it in the last drawer of my vanity table. I don't know how he got his hand on it. “Should I give you the time to adjust, Tesoro? Or should I start it already?” He asked innocently.

” I whispered.


“Fuck you.” Yes, these words were meant to trigger him and it hit the spot. Aaran waited for a few seconds before I started feeling mild vibrations inside me. He kept it on the lowest speed to make me adjust it. “Is that a few ways to beg me to bring you pleasure? Hm?” I parted my lips to speak, but a moan of pleasure left my mouth.

Aaran stands up and says, “Hands at the back, Ocean.” I declined his command and within a second the vibrator’s speed was increased. It's still not the maximum, but enough to make me drop my neck and touch the corner of me. “Your hands..at the back.” This time I did what he asked me to, and it only took me a moment to realize that Aaran tied my hands with my belt.

“Ahh..fuck.” Another moan left my mouth when the vibrator hit my g-spot. Aaran grabbed my hair, slightly pulling them and making me lift my face so we were looking at him. I am crazy and this is not me—for the first time, someone has grabbed my hair, and it's working like a turn on for me. My breath has turned so heavy that I am breathing from my mouth.

“I won't take a long time, fiancĂ©e. Just thirty minutes until I am done with the emails. Until then–take this vibrator in your tight pussy–cum on it like you cum on my cock. Fill this room with your heavy breaths but remember don't make noise because if you do, I won't let you cum until and unless, it's not my dick you are choking on and this vibrator hitting every corner of you. ” By the time he completed his words, the first orgasm hit me.

“You will act like a good girl, right?” He speaks with a smile.

“Y-yes..ahh.” I replied, and he left my hair, going back to his chair and replying the fucking emails. “Eyes on me, fiancĂ©e.”

What do you think? Was that an indirect confession?

Also the next chapter is SMUT!!

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